
Autumn Sunshine

If you want to wait until schools are back to get your dose of vitamin D later in the year then read on for my top 5 recommendations for sun in autumn and early winter. All my recommendations are less than 7 hours’ direct flying time from the UK, offer reliably warm weather, little chance of rain, gorgeous landscapes and more to do than lie on a beach. … Read More

Visiting Oman

We talk about our recent trip to Cape Verde and offer lots of inspiration for visiting these islands, an archipelago over 300 miles off the west coast of Africa … Read More

Bulletin – Where to See Giant Tortoises and Turtles

The world’s oldest land animal, a giant tortoise resident in St Helena, turns 190 this year. Read about where you can see these beautiful animals for yourself … Read More

Bulletin – Inspiration for Winter Sun Travels

Here’s to a healthy and happy 2022 full of travel and adventures.  As 2021 went by, overseas holidays became more of a possibility and those who made it abroad reported a sense of freedom and happiness at having finally got away. My … Read More